Justaroundme's Blog

All plans…

Posted in Personal, Random by justaroundme on January 5, 2010

I always knew, that I will leave my resolutions in air on the second day of the year.So,why?.Still,there is no harm in making lists like “to do in 2010″,”have a schedule and learn something new” and “feel good about yourself by doing ” such things.So over the week-end,I took a new ruled-notebook and decorated the first page with my name in big letters with vibrant colors and wrote 2010 at the bottom.On the second page, marked it as JANUARY.Any guess of what I wrote on the next line… a woman without fitness dreams ?…it was “Take yoga class at least 3 times a week” decided to go every Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday.Within me,I heard a voice – “3 days sounds too much”,I simply hushed it.

Monday came and remembering “He who fails to plan, plans to fail” all such quotes,thought i will work towards my dream,to make it true.And so yesterday – I planned a lot to be ready for today…I cooked dinner last night and made sure that there will be enough left over for today’s dinner(so,no “have-to-cook-dinner” tension) ,oh to achieve this ,I went for a planned grocery shopping,browsed the food blogs for insane hours to decide on a dinner menu,then again after few hours of deliberation,finally this expected mood stroked,so made ever simple dal with spinach for chapathi.Also,last night i went to bed around 9:00pm thinking to get up early in the morning,so i could reach office early,then will leave at 5:00pm and so I will have enough time for my 7.00pm class.

Today morning,left home early and the temperature in below twenties,i heard the voice cribbing “Gosh,feeling sleepy,it’s only 7.15,it’s still too dark,why so early..oh,it’s cold and have class in the evening,no-no”,i hushed it again,reached office around 8:30am and after checking my official emails to see if anything is burning-hot,then logged on to my yahoo account ,saw the email with these words –

Yoga Studio is closed this evening because of the Snow!

The voice that I kept hushing belongs to the part of myself,that is “lazy-but-not-guilty,have-no-goals-so-happy,hates-planning,just-go-with-flow” is still guffawing at the not-so myself that made all the above plans.How do I mute it this time.sigh… 😑

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12 Responses

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  1. rads said, on January 5, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    heh, just let it ramble ;-p

  2. G said, on January 6, 2010 at 12:08 am

    Heheeh! πŸ™‚ But be glad you are not guilty of breaking resolutions.

  3. Titaxy said, on January 6, 2010 at 10:42 am

    at least you are not breaking your resolutions, like G says…not too much to be guilty of then πŸ˜€

    • justaroundme said, on January 6, 2010 at 12:21 pm

      It is only 6th of Jan ,ask me about my resolutions this sunday – i am sure i would throw a mighty blank look..

  4. iniyaal said, on January 6, 2010 at 11:23 pm

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Wish you good luck in keeping up with ur new year resolution. I do not make any resoltuions.. ‘cos the very pressure of planning for it tempts me to break my resolutions!

    • justaroundme said, on January 7, 2010 at 1:22 pm

      Exactly..wish to have harry potter’s magic wand ..so no thinking and no planning, things just fall in place…

  5. Lazy Pineapple said, on January 12, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    hehhe a lucky break….resolutions actually stress you out. Go with the flow…

  6. sunshinesafari said, on January 13, 2010 at 1:36 am

    πŸ™‚ I completely understand that feeling. Nice read.

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